1. Help Centre
  2. 💻 Administration
  3. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Members

How do I add a member?

To add a member, go to the Members section of your administration interface.

Click on the Invite a member button

A window appears:

how to add a member in steeple

You can complete the fields directly and fill in the important information:
  • Last name (Optional)
  • First name (Optional)
  • Email address (Required)
  • Birthday (Optional)
Click on More details to access additional information.

- Profile photo (Optional)
- Biography (Optional)

You can also assign the role of administrator:
Tick the Administrator box

Finally, you can invite the member Later or Now:
Click on the appropriate button.

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Do you want to invite several people at the same time?

Find the relative information in How to invite a list of people?

When launching your community, favor the addition and invitation of your members by importing an Excel file.